下面放出干货代码 Player.vue(复制过来就可以使用,大部分使用都加上了注释):
<!-- - Copyright (c) 2022. - - Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, - WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. - See the License for the specific language governing permissions and - limitations under the License. - --> <template> <div> <div class="prism-player" :id="playerId" :style="playStyle"></div> <button @click="buttonClicked">直接播放地址测试</button> <button @click="buttonClicked2">Vid+playAuth播放测试</button> </div> </template> <script> // 组件从这里下载:https://github.com/aliyunvideo/AliyunPlayer_Web/blob/master/customComponents/dist/aliplayer-components/aliplayercomponents-1.0.8.min.js import './aliplayercomponents-1.0.8.min' export default { name: "Player", data() { return { playerId: "aliplayer_" + Math.random().toString(36).substr(2), scriptTagStatus: 0, isReload: false, player: null, playStyle:[] } }, created() { if (window.Aliplayer !== undefined) { // 如果全局对象存在,说明编辑器代码已经初始化完成,直接加载编辑器 this.scriptTagStatus = 2; this.initAliplayer(); } else { // 如果全局对象不存在,说明编辑器代码还没有加载完成,需要加载编辑器代码 this.insertScriptTag(); } }, mounted() { if (window.Aliplayer !== undefined) { // 如果全局对象存在,说明编辑器代码已经初始化完成,直接加载编辑器 this.scriptTagStatus = 2; this.initAliplayer(); } else { // 如果全局对象不存在,说明编辑器代码还没有加载完成,需要加载编辑器代码 this.insertScriptTag(); } }, methods: { buttonClicked() { console.log('button1 clicked'); var playerInfo = {}; playerInfo.source = '//player.alicdn.com/video/editor.mp4'; this.reloadPlayer(playerInfo, player => { // 测试监听ready事件后播放 player.on('ready',(e)=> player.play()); }) }, buttonClicked2() { console.log('button2 clicked'); var playerInfo = {}; playerInfo.vid='AAABBB'; playerInfo.playauth='XXXYYY'; this.reloadPlayer(playerInfo, player => { // 测试监听ready事件后播放 player.on('ready',(e)=> player.play()); }) }, insertScriptTag() { const _this = this; let playerScriptTag = document.getElementById("playerScriptTag"); // 如果这个tag不存在,则生成相关代码tag以加载代码 if (playerScriptTag === null) { playerScriptTag = document.createElement("script"); playerScriptTag.type = "text/javascript"; playerScriptTag.src = "https://g.alicdn.com/de/prismplayer/2.9.20/aliplayer-min.js"; // alipplayer的JS代码,如果有新的版本可以更换,最底下还有CSS代码,也可以根据版本号更换 playerScriptTag.id = "playerScriptTag"; let s = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; s.appendChild(playerScriptTag); } if (playerScriptTag.loaded) { _this.scriptTagStatus++; } else { playerScriptTag.addEventListener("load", () => { _this.scriptTagStatus++; playerScriptTag.loaded = true; _this.initAliplayer(); }); } _this.initAliplayer(); }, initAliplayer(playInfo, callback) { if(!playInfo) { playInfo = {}; } const _this = this; // scriptTagStatus 为 2 的时候,说明两个必需引入的 js 文件都已经被引入,且加载完成 if (_this.scriptTagStatus === 2 && (_this.player === null || _this.reloadPlayer)) { _this.player && _this.player.dispose(); // console.log(document.querySelector("#" + _this.playerId)); // document.querySelector("#" + _this.playerId).innerHTML = ""; // Vue 异步执行 DOM 更新,这样一来代码执行到这里的时候可能 template 里面的 script 标签还没真正创建 // 所以,我们只能在 nextTick 里面初始化 Aliplayer _this.$nextTick(() => { _this.player = window.Aliplayer({ id: this.playerId, autoplay: playInfo.autoplay?playInfo.autoplay:false, source: playInfo.source, cover: playInfo.cover, vid : playInfo.vid, playauth : playInfo.playauth, // 其他需要的自己定义,可以从https://player.alicdn.com/aliplayer/presentation/index.html?type=cover上选好了配置后,相应的复制过来 // 图片广告组件测试 components: [{ name: 'PauseADComponent', type: AliPlayerComponent.PauseADComponent, args: ['https://img.alicdn.com/tfs/TB1byi8afDH8KJjy1XcXXcpdXXa-1920-514.jpg', 'https://promotion.aliyun.com/ntms/act/videoai.html'] }] }); // 绑定事件,当 AliPlayer 初始化完成后,将编辑器实例通过自定义的 ready 事件交出去 _this.player.on("ready", () => { this.$emit("ready", _this.player); }); _this.player.on("play", () => { this.$emit("play", _this.player); }); _this.player.on("pause", () => { this.$emit("pause", _this.player); }); _this.player.on("ended", () => { this.$emit("ended", _this.player); }); _this.player.on("liveStreamStop", () => { this.$emit("liveStreamStop", _this.player); }); _this.player.on("m3u8Retry", () => { this.$emit("m3u8Retry", _this.player); }); _this.player.on("hideBar", () => { this.$emit("hideBar", _this.player); }); _this.player.on("waiting", () => { this.$emit("waiting", _this.player); }); _this.player.on("snapshoted", () => { this.$emit("snapshoted", _this.player); }); _this.player.on("timeupdate", () => { _this.$emit("timeupdate", _this.player); }); _this.player.on("requestFullScreen", () => { _this.$emit("requestFullScreen", _this.player); }); _this.player.on("cancelFullScreen", () => { _this.$emit("cancelFullScreen", _this.player); }); _this.player.on("error", () => { _this.$emit("error", _this.player); }); _this.player.on("startSeek", () => { _this.$emit("startSeek", _this.player); }); _this.player.on("completeSeek", () => { _this.$emit("completeSeek", _this.player); }); if(callback){ callback(_this.player); } }); } }, /** * 播放视频 */ play: function () { this.player.play(); }, /** * 暂停视频 */ pause: function () { this.player.pause(); }, /** * 重播视频 */ replay: function () { this.player.replay(); }, /** * 跳转到某个时刻进行播放 * @argument time 的单位为秒 */ seek: function (time) { this.player.seek(time); }, /** * 获取当前时间 单位秒 */ getCurrentTime: function () { return this.player.getCurrentTime(); }, /** *获取视频总时长,返回的单位为秒 * @returns 返回的单位为秒 */ getDuration: function () { return this.player.getDuration(); }, /** 获取当前的音量,返回值为0-1的实数ios和部分android会失效 */ getVolume: function () { return this.player.getVolume(); }, /** 设置音量,vol为0-1的实数,ios和部分android会失效 */ setVolume: function (vol) { this.player.setVolume(vol); }, /** *直接播放视频url,time为可选值(单位秒)目前只支持同种格式(mp4/flv/m3u8)之间切换暂不支持直播rtmp流切换 *@argument url 视频地址 *@argument time 跳转到多少秒 */ loadByUrl: function (url, time) { this.player.loadByUrl(url, time); }, /** * 设置播放速度 *@argument speed 速度 */ setSpeed: function (speed) { this.player.setSpeed(speed); }, /** * 设置播放器大小w,h可分别为400px像素或60%百分比chrome浏览器下flash播放器分别不能小于397x297 *@argument w 播放器宽度 *@argument h 播放器高度 */ setPlayerSize: function (w, h) { this.player.setPlayerSize(w, h); }, reloadPlayer: function (playInfo, callback) { this.isReload = true; this.initAliplayer(playInfo, callback); this.isReload = false; }, ready(e) { console.log('ready',e) } } } </script> <style lang="less" scoped> @import 'https://g.alicdn.com/de/prismplayer/2.9.20/skins/default/aliplayer-min.css'; </style>